Coming of the Railroad

Quoted from the Meadows Eagle – December 28, 1911

The P. & I. N. depot at New Meadows is a model for neatness, convenience, and comfort. It is a two-story brick structure with stone trimmings. The lower floor is completely equipped for a modern depot, including electric lights, water and sewer connections, etc.

The upper floor is entirely used for the general offices of the Pacific & Idaho Northern. Each office is completely equipped with modern furniture used in railroad offices. The private office of Co. E. M. Heigho, the president, general manager, and the traffic manager of the P. I. N. Is very handsomely furnished in mahogany.

The other P. I. N, officials in New Meadows are Lee Highly, Chief engineer; R, J. Kennedy, assistant traffic manager; J. L. Soule, auditor; R.H. Williams, superintendent of transportation; A. H. O’Leary, superintendent of’ maintenance; F.L. Miller., assistant secretary; Louis McLain, assistant treasurer; T.W. Foster, general master mechanic; E. A. Richard, store keeper; E.G. Dunn, agent; and Dr. Martin, Local Surgeon.”

The railroad first came to New Meadows in 1911. This was also the year that the depot was built. The town of Meadows was started east of the present site of New Meadows about one mile. When the railroad came to Meadows Valley, it only came to the present site of New Meadows. The townsite was then moved down to New Meadows.

The company that first built the railroad to New Meadows was the Pacific & Idaho Northern. This railroad, however, sold out to the Union Pacific.

[See also: The P & IN Railroad by Dale Fisk & Don Dopf]

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